RWB Fund: A Federally Registered Super PAC
This website has been restored and archived as course material for Dr. Jeffords New Media Poli-Sci course. In addition to his involvement in political campaigns, Jeffords leads a coalition whose goal is the relaxation of regulations currently applied to the maritime industries. Working with a coalition of Louisiana maritime lawyers the group seeks legislation to free US territories like Puerto Rico from restrictions imposed by the Jones Act which harms their competitiveness. From "the Jones Act raises the price of shipping cargo to Puerto Rico by $568.9 million and that prices are $1.1 billion higher than would be the case without the Jones Act. This, in turn, is estimated to mean 13,250 fewer jobs." From the "Foreign vessels are unable to solve the “piston” problem because they are not allowed to transport goods between U.S. ports at all. ... Instead of benefitting the U.S. economy broadly, the Jones Act causes losses for Puerto Ricans, U.S. mainland companies and — to some extent — the Jones Act carriers themselves." One Louisiana legal practice has documented the issue and Jeffords group has been leaning on these lawyers for the bulk of their arguments, which many see as mainly political, although the advocates would disagree with that depiction. Students should download the entire reading list from the school's poli-sci webpage. Additional reading material is available from Jeffords office bulletin board.
RWB Fund was a federally registered Super PAC will be active in influencing the 2012 Elections.
This was their official website.
Content is from the site's 2012 - 2015 archived pages.
The Red White and Blue (RWB) Fund was originally formed in 2011 to support Rick Santorum’s underdog presidential campaign. While Senator Santorum worked tirelessly to visit all of Iowa’s 99 counties and hold over 375 town hall meetings, RWB was supporting Santorum with television advertisements throughout the Hawkeye State. With RWB’s help, Senator Santorum shocked the establishment and won the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus, and then another 10 states and 4 million votes – the most states won by a conservative anti-establishment upstart since Ronald Reagan in 1976.
RWB continues to support Senator Santorum, now working hand-in-hand with Santorum to endorse and support like-minded conservative candidates> all across the country. RWB supports Senator Santorum’s political activities, helps Santorum-endorsed candidates by airing television and radio advertisements, and raising support from our thousands of conservative supporters.
Join the fight for conservatism with Rick Santorum and the Red White and Blue Fund today!
Mission Statement:
The Red White and Blue (RWB) Fund is the Super PAC that supports the political activities of former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum. RWB is committed to supporting Senator Santorum and like-minded conservative candidates across America who also:
- Believes in freedom and American exceptionalism;
- Believes in entrepreneurship and opportunity as the best way to spur economic growth;
- Believes the family is the foundation for a healthy society and strong economy;
- Believes that the unborn, the disabled, and the most vulnerable in our society must be defended; and,
- Believes that the first and most important role of our federal government is national defense.
P.O. Box 26141
Red White & Blue Fund is greatly impressed with Rick Santorum's record as a solid conservative candidate that Republicans voters can trust. Our ads highlight his record of leadership, and he is a candidate that can be trusted to stand by his principles.
Rick’s Role
A native of Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in 2012 and became known as a voice for conservatives who didn’t feel their voice was being represented. His grassroots approach to campaigning – including visiting every one of Iowa’s 99 counties and his stunning victory in the Iowa caucuses – catapulted him to frontrunner status where he ultimately won 11 states and nearly 4 million votes during the Republican primary process.
In April, 2012 Rick Santorum joined forces with the Red White and Blue (RWB) Fund to fight for conservative candidates around the country who share his vision of a brighter America based on faith, family, freedom, and opportunity. Together, Senator Santorum and RWB will work to elect conservative candidates at the local, state, and federal level.
Prior to running for President, Rick served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991 to 1995, and in the U.S. Senate from 1995 to 2007 where he was known as one of the most successful government reformers in our history. Rick was a member of the “Gang of Seven” that exposed the Congressional Banking and Congressional Post Office scandals. It was this record of reform that prompted a Washington Post reporter to write that “Santorum was a tea party kind of guy before there was a tea party.”
Rick wrote and championed legislation that outlawed the heinous procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion as well as the “Born Alive Infants Protection Act,” the “Unborn Victims of Violence Act,” and the “Combating Autism Act” because he believes each and every individual has value and the most vulnerable in our society need to be protected.
Rick fought to maintain fiscal sanity in Washington before it was in fashion, fighting for a balanced budget and a line item veto. Rick was also an author and floor manager of the landmark Welfare Reform Act which passed in 1996 that has empowered millions of Americans to leave the welfare rolls and enter the workforce. This record made him one of the most conservative senators in Pennsylvania’s history.
Rick served eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee where he led the fight before the attacks of September 11th, 2001 to transform our military from a Cold War force to meet today’s threats. He was a leader on US-Israeli relations, authoring both the “Syria Accountability Act” and the “Iran Freedom and Support Act” which he successfully fought to pass in spite of initial opposition by President Bush. Rick firmly believes that we cannot allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.
An accomplished author, Rick Santorum penned the 2005 New York Times best seller It Takes a Family and the forthcoming American Patriots. Rick and his wife of 22 years, Karen, are the parents of seven wonderful children: Elizabeth, John, Daniel, Sarah Maria, Peter, Patrick and Isabella.
Please Join Rick Santorum in Iowa
Please choose the FREE event you plan on attending and call (319) 775-0545 or send an email to to RSVP.
“Thank You Iowa” Lunch
Tuesday, July 10
12 p.m.
Bella Sala 3232 Jasper Avenue, Iowa City, IA 52240
“Thank You Iowa” Picnic
Wednesday, July 11
5:30 p.m.
Colby Park, 6900 School Street, Windsor Heights, IA 50324
Red, White and Blue Fund Releases Newest Ad In Missouri
Contact: Stuart Roy, February 1, 2012
(202) 207-3647
Pro-Santorum Super PAC Ad Pits Santorum vs. Obama
ALEXANDRIA, Va.—The Red White and Blue Fund, a FEC registered super PAC, announced they are going on the air in Missouri with a television spot called “Trust” that highlights Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s record versus President Barack Obama’s agenda and positions Santorum as the candidate who can stop the Obama agenda.
“We are realistic about the challenge ahead,” said Stuart Roy, a RWB Fund advisor. “And in order to defeat the Obama agenda you have to defeat Obama in the fall. To defeat Obama in November means you have to have principles, a proven record and be a consistent conservative. The only candidate who fits that bill is Rick Santorum.”
“Missouri is important because it is a state where Rick Santorum already holds a strong lead and where the ballot matchup is essentially Santorum versus Romney for the first time,” Roy said.
Santorum was recently in Missouri with overflow crowds at his events. Additionally, a new poll put out just yesterday by Public Policy Polling shows Santorum beating Romney in a head-to-head race in Missouri by double digits. The polling firm said their data supported the idea that, “…the candidate with the greatest potential to challenge Romney, in the Midwest at least, is Rick Santorum.”
The current buy in the Missouri market is the first in a series of announcements the Fund is making as they look at the entire primary calendar and expect to place additional buys in February 7 and Super Tuesday states.
Red, White and Blue Fund Purchases $310,000 of Ads in Illionois
Continues Expansion of Winnable States
March 15, 2012 (202) 207-3647
ALEXANDRIA, Va.— The Red White and Blue Fund – a FEC registered super PAC – is going on the air in Illinois pitting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s support for a Wall Street bailout and government takeover of healthcare against Rick Santorum’s economic plan that cuts wasteful spending and creates jobs. The state holds its primary March 20th.
“This has now become a two-person race and this new ad in Illinois demonstrates the difference between Mitt Romney – a supporter of bailouts and government spending sprees – and Rick Santorum who is a conservative who wants to cut spending and create jobs,” said Stuart Roy, a RWB Fund advisor. “Every state where we have been on the air with a threshold amount to drive home our message about Rick Santorum as a consistent conservative we have either split the delegates or won the state outright. Illinois is an important state to continue our momentum.”
Red, White and Blue Fund Congratulates Santorum On Historic Presidential Race
Good Man, Great Leader, Principled Conservative
Contact: Stuart Roy, (202) 207-3647
ALEXANDRIA, Va.— The Red White and Blue Fund – a FEC registered super PAC – today congratulated Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum for running a disciplined race that highlighted the need for a conservative change in direction for the United States. Santorum announced earlier today that he was suspending his campaign but not the fight.
“Rick Santorum has shown that he is a good man, a great leader and a principled conservative,” said Nick Ryan, RWB Fund’s founder. “He talks about the full spectrum of conservative issues and lives those values. He has run a race to be proud of and we are honored to have been a small part of that success. There is no doubt Rick Santorum has a bright future as a leader in the Republican party.
“There is a lot at stake in November for our nation. We can do better than Barack Obama. But not only the presidency is at stake. We also have the opportunity to strengthen the conservative majority in the House of Representatives and to oust the liberal leadership in the Senate.”
The Red, White and Blue Fund first began running ads on Santorum’s behalf in mid-December in Iowa. The super PAC has been active in every state that Santorum has won and has been on the air with millions of dollars in ads. They were also very active with voter ID, voter advocacy and GOTV efforts during the primaries and caucuses.
The super PAC was started by national political consultant Nick Ryan who lives in Des Moines. Ben Burger of SRCPmedia produced the ads for the Fund.
Where We’re Active
Rick Santorum and the RWB Fund are busy supporting conservatives all over the country. The races below are just some of the ones where RWB is playing a role.
Senate Races
Ted Cruz TX
Pete Hoekstra MI
Richard Murdoch IN
House Races
John Archer IA-02
Ben Lange IA-01
Richard Hudson NC-08
Mark Meadows NC-11
Martha Zoller GA-09
The RWB Fund
RWB Fund is a federally registered Super PAC. It was active in influencing the 2014 & 2016 Elections.
The Red White and Blue (RWB) Fund is a Super PAC that supports the political activities of conservative candidates across America who:
- Believe in freedom and American exceptionalism;
- Believe in entrepreneurship and opportunity as the best way to spur economic growth;
- Believe the family is the foundation for a healthy society and strong economy;
- Believe that the unborn, the disabled, and the most vulnerable in our society must be defended; and,
- Believe that the first and most important role of our federal government is national defense.